

Finance Commission

chairperson: Todd Fontenot

The commission stewards to the pastor and meets quarterly.

Members are: Lois Brooks, Vincent Espree and Priscilla Thompson.

Pastoral Council

chairperson: Alma Hodge

The Pastoral Council is made up of a group of parishioners who advise and consult Father in making decisions. They share the responsibility with Father for the temporal and spiritual welfare of the parish, and support the process of coordinating and unifying the structure of the community. The Council helps identify goals and provide leadership, direction, education, resources, and encouragement for the apostolic and spiritual development of all parishioners. All members of the Council assume a rightful share of accountability for implementing decisions.

The Pastoral Council serves as a voice for all members of the parish to express ourselves and encourage others to participate in all aspects of Parish life. It is a means of achieving full participation of the whole parish in Christ’s mission.

Any parishioner may attend Pastoral Council meetings. Regular meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday???? of each month. If a parishioner has any concerns you would like to bring to the Council, you are welcome to do so by contacting the Pastoral Council Chairperson and request that your item be added to the agenda for the next meeting.


Bazaar Planning Committee

chairperson: Frankie espree

The committee meets the second Tuesday of the month during planning stages.


Cemetery Committee


Committee members: Gerard Eaglin and Vincent Espree