Our Mission


We, the pastor and the parishioners of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Raywood, united in the Holy Spirit, proclaim the following as a statement of our mission.
We commit ourselves: To an unwavering service to God and his children. To providing a welcoming environment for spiritual growth and direction. To an enrichment of worship for all people by encouraging an encounter with Jesus Christ through the celebration of the Eucharist, active participation in the Liturgy and a commitment to personal and group prayer, stewardship, faith sharing, social involvement and strong moral and spiritual education for our children and youth

The members of the Parish work hard to maintain a loving and caring environment. Some of the groups and organizations always working to provide resources for the church and the community are: The Parish Council, the Finance Council, the Pastoral Team, the Bazaar Committee, the Fish Dinner Committee, the Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Clavier, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the Stewardship Committee, the various ministries, and the many wonderful parishioners that continue to support the Church with their generous contributions and prayers. Love of God and family is an ongoing process in this community.

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